When you decide to become a host family for an international student, financial gain should not be your first priority but there is no shame in wanting to more than cover your costs and to ensure that you will be fully reimbursed for your work with generous payments.
Host families are paid £45 per day and this increases to £50 per day from September 2024.
Bright World will pay you a mileage of 55p per mile, as recommended by the AA. This mileage is only payable for the picking up your student at the beginning of the event and then taking them back to school at the end. If you are hosting two students from the same school, the mileage is still payable per mile only, and the cost will be split between the two students. Mileage cannot be claimed per student. Mileage cannot be claimed for recreational trips you take with your student at your choice.
Occasionally, however, if a student specifically asks you to take them somewhere, please get in touch with the Head Office to check if you can claim mileage for this trip.
You will receive 50% of up to 7 days hosting fees if we cancel less than 7 days before you are due to host.
Hosting foreign students is a great tax free way to up your income. The government allows you to earn £7,500 tax free each year or £625 per month.
When you enrol as a host family, you will receive a comprehensive Host Family Manual to help you with all you need to know about hosting for us.
To summarise what is expected of you see the below:
To find out how to become a host family, and for a copy of our handbook, please contact our team direct on+44 (0)1273 835745 or fill in our online enquiry form below and we'll get back to you.
Find out all you need to know about becoming a host family for Bright World by reading our FAQ.